General Tips For The GCE O Level Chemistry Exam

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Do you want to ace the GCE O Level Chemistry exam? Don’t be concerned! We have compiled a list of popular blunders and helpful hints for our secondary 4 Express and 5 Normal Academic GCE O Level Chemistry students! Continue reading to learn more!

Tips for the GCE O Level Chemistry paper in general

Identifying keywords

Make a point of reading the questions thoroughly and identifying the keywords.

For example, if the question says, “Explain why the rate of a chemical reaction increases as the temperature rises,” you should answer, “Explain why the rate of a chemical reaction increases as the temperature rises.”

To get a good grade on this topic, you must use the concept of particle collisions in your answer.


Take particular note of the number of marks available for each issue. If the question is worth three points, you must present three different points to answer it.


Chemical names do not need to be spelt correctly as long as they cannot be confused with other chemicals.

Easy questions, on the other hand, where you are asked to choose chemical names from a list, are supposed to spell them correctly.

Since this is a chemical error, writing ammonium for ammonia or chlorine for chloride will not be given credit.

Consider the following questions:

Examine your responses and see whether you’ve made any inconsistencies – this usually applies to things written in the same sentence.

A common blunder is to write something like, “When ammonia is added, a soluble blue precipitate forms.”

There’s a misunderstanding here since the residue isn’t soluble.

As excess ammonia is added to copper ions, the correct response is: ‘A light blue precipitate forms when ammonia is added.’ In excess ammonia solution, the precipitate dissolves.’

It’s worth noting that breaking it up into two sentences has changed the context.

For a short rundown, look at this infographic.

Paper 4 (Alternative to Practical) GCE O Level Chemistry Tips


When plotting graphs, lines should go through the 0-0 stage, which should also be planned if there is data. However, if the pattern indicates that the line is unlikely to go through, do not draw a line through the 0-0 mark.

Exercising extrapolating graphs is a good idea. The extrapolated curve must follow the pattern of the existing line or curve. If the curve is steadily levelling off, the extrapolated curve must also be levelling off.

Knowing your theory inside and out

Marks are rarely provided in practical papers for implying that you can distinguish a solid from a solution by decanting off the solution. Filtration is a standard procedure.

Make sure you understand the differences between oxygen and hydrogen measurements, as they are often confused.

Pops – Hydrogen – Lighted splint (Hylight Pops).

Relights – Oxygen – Glowing Splint (ogre)

Detailed specifications

If you’re asked to state a hydrogen measure, don’t just say, “Use the pop test.” This definition is too general; it refers to the outcome rather than the test. ‘Insert a lighted splint into the test tube’ is a far safer option.

When explaining the colour changes that you expect to see when a metal like zinc reacts with a copper sulphate solution, don’t say the solution turns white. This is a rather simple blunder. It’s important to note that the blue-coloured solution loses its colour.

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